Sims don’t take life too seriously, and they’re incredibly fickle. You can flirt, go on dates, Woohoo and get married, but it never really feels like a relationship. The romance system in vanilla TS4 is pretty basic. It’s also about making friends, acquiring skills, and finding yourself. Going to school has never been just about learning history or science. We love it, and so should our Sims if we’re to have a realistic experience in-game. Wicked Whims (NSFW) If there’s something humans never get tired of, it’s sex.Alcohol and other drugs have been a reality of life since time immemorial, and that’s not about to change anytime soon. It fleshes out the entire drug dealing aspect of the mod, allowing you to create a criminal empire and become the leader of one of four gangs. If you like Basemental Drugs, the Basemental Gangs expansion is sure to pique your interest.
There are tragic and difficult moments in everyone’s lives. As you may have realized by now, not everything is glitter and candy. It’s an extensive mod that touches almost every aspect of life in the game. Easily the most comprehensive and complete realism overhaul for The Sims 4 is Slice of Life by KawaiiStacie.